Loving God, Loving People, Serving Both

What times are Sunday gatherings?

Worship Service, Sunday at 10:30 AM

Childcare is provided during all Sunday morning programs.

What can I expect during worship?

You can expect powerful worship, compelling teaching from the Bible, and an opportunity to encounter God.

What should I wear?

We love casual! You can wear jeans and t-shirt or a suit or dress. We want you to come just as you are and join us in authentic worship.

Childcare Sunday School

Lake Havasu Baptist is committed to the safety and security of your children. You will sign in and receive security bands at the KIDZ ZONE counter in our Education Wing.

Our Nursery is also located in the Education Wing. You will sign your child in and receive a pager in case our volunteers need to reach you during services.

Lake Havasu Baptist Church

Faith Statement